
/flaysh/; Fr. /flesh/, n., pl. flèches /flay"shiz/; Fr. /flesh/.
1. Archit. a steeple or spire, esp. one in the Gothic style, emerging from the ridge of a roof.
2. Fort. a fieldwork consisting of two faces forming a salient angle with an open gorge.
3. Fencing. a method of attack with saber or épée in which the attacker leaves from the rear foot and advances rapidly toward the opponent.
[1700-10; < F: lit., arrow, prob. < Gmc. Cf. FLY1]

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 in French architecture, any spire; in English it is an architectural term for a small slender spire placed on the ridge of a church roof. The flèche is usually built of a wood framework covered with lead or occasionally copper and is generally of rich, light, delicate design, in which tracery, miniature buttresses, and crockets have important parts.

      Flèches are frequently of great height, that of Notre-Dame, Paris (Notre-Dame de Paris), being nearly 100 feet (30 metres) and that of Amiens (Amiens Cathedral) 148 feet (45 metres). The flèche is usually placed at the intersection of the nave and transepts.

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