
/flee"bit'n/, adj.
1. bitten by a flea or fleas.
2. infested with fleas.
3. shabby; dilapidated; wretched.
4. (of a horse) having a light-colored coat with small, dark spots or streaks.

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  • flea-bitten — flea′ bit ten adj. 1) bitten by or infested with fleas 2) shabby; dilapidated; wretched 3) (of a horse) having a light colored coat with small brown or reddish spots or streaks • Etymology: 1560–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • flea-bitten — /ˈfli bɪtn/ (say flee bitn) adjective 1. bitten by a flea or fleas. 2. infested with fleas. 3. (of a horse, etc.) having small reddish spots or streaks upon a lighter ground. 4. Colloquial shabby; dirty …  

  • flea-bitten — adjective Date: 1570 1. of a horse having a white or gray coat flecked with a darker color 2. bitten by or infested with fleas …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • flea-bitten — adjective a) Infested with fleas b) decrepit or dilapidated …   Wiktionary

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