
finisher, n.
/fin"ish/, v.t.
1. to bring (something) to an end or to completion; complete: to finish a novel; to finish breakfast.
2. to come to the end of (a course, period of time, etc.): to finish school.
3. to use completely (often fol. by up or off): to finish up a can of paint; to finish off the rest of the milk.
4. to overcome completely; destroy or kill (often fol. by off): This spray will finish off the cockroaches.
5. to complete and perfect in detail; put the final touches on (sometimes fol. by up): He decided to finish his plan more carefully. She finished up a painting.
6. to put a finish on (wood, metal, etc.): We finished the desk in antique red lacquer.
7. to perfect (a person) in education, accomplishments, social graces, etc.
8. to ready (livestock) for market by feeding a diet calculated to produce the desired weight.
9. to come to an end: The course finishes in January.
10. to complete a course, project, etc. (sometimes fol. by up): I finished before he did. It was nine o'clock when we finished up.
11. (of livestock) to become fattened for market.
12. finish with,
a. to bring to completion: She's finished with her latest novel.
b. to put aside, break all relations with, or reject finally: He's finished with football and will play only baseball now. After the way they treated us, we're finished with them.
13. the end or conclusion; the final part or last stage.
14. the end of a hunt, race, etc.: a close finish.
15. a decisive ending: a fight to the finish.
16. the quality of being finished or completed with smoothness, elegance, etc.: to admire the finish of one's writing.
17. educational or social polish.
18. the manner in which an object is perfected or finished in its preparation, or an effect imparted in finishing.
19. the surface coating or texture of wood, metal, etc.
20. something used or serving to finish, complete, or perfect a thing.
21. woodwork or the like, esp. in the interior of a building, not essential to the structure but used for purposes of ornament, neatness, etc.: a finish of black walnut.
22. Also called finish coat, finishing coat. a final coat of plaster or paint.
23. a material for application in finishing.
24. Animal Husb. the fat tissue of livestock.
25. the flavor remaining in the mouth after a wine has been swallowed.
[1300-50; ME finisshen < AF, MF finiss-, long s. of finir < L finire to end. See FINE1]
Syn. 1. terminate, conclude, close. 14. See end1.

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