- finale
/fi nal"ee, -nah"lee/, n.
1. the last piece, division, or movement of a concert, opera, or composition.
2. the concluding part of any performance, course of proceedings, etc.; end.
1715-25; < It, n. use of finale (adj.) < L finalis FINAL]
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in music,
the last and,
as a rule,
lively movement of a multimovement instrumental work,
or the culminating section of an operatic act or scene,
usually involving a vocal ensemble rather than a single singer.
During the musical era dominated by Viennese Classicism (
c. 1770–
solo concerti tended to end with movements in rondo form,
while the finales of symphonic and chamber works,
eventually solo sonatas as well,
increasingly complied with the sonata-
allegro principle.
Beginning with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart'
s last two symphonies (
40 and 41,
and reaching its highest expression in numerous works of Ludwig van Beethoven (
Beethoven, Ludwig van),
the finale attained a structural significance that had previously been reserved for the opening movement,
to the extent that,
instead of providing merely an agreeable conclusion,
it contained the ultimate thematic resolution of a large-
scale instrumental drama.
At times the finale'
s formal patterning was bound to deviate from that of the Classical sonata-
s Third (
Symphony and Johannes Brahms'
s Fourth Symphony end with variation sets,
while Beethoven'
s Piano Sonata Opus 106 ends with a monumental fugue.
The finale of Beethoven'
s Ninth Symphony, based on Friedrich Schiller'
s “
Ode to Joy,”
requires a chorus and a solo vocal quartet as well as an expanded orchestra,
an array inspired no doubt by the rousing choral finales of French Revolutionary opera.
Felix Mendelssohn (
Mendelssohn, Felix),
Franz Liszt (
Liszt, Franz),
and Gustav Mahler (
Mahler, Gustav)
were among 19th-
century composers who emulated Beethoven'
s example not only with respect to the structural importance they attached to some of their finales but also in their repeated reliance on literary texts and the requisite vocal forces.
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Finale — (lat. finis ‚Ende‘) bezeichnet: in der Kunst allgemein den Schlussteil, siehe Satz (Musikstück), Akt (Theater), Finale (Oper) im Sport ein Endspiel, siehe Finale (Sport) ein Notensatzprogramm, siehe Finale (Programm) eine Buchserie von Tim LaHaye … Deutsch Wikipedia
Finale — Тип нотный редактор Разработчик MakeMusic Операционная система Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows Последняя версия 2012 (2011 год) Лицензия проприетарная Сайт … Википедия
Finale — may refer to:* The final movement of a sonata or a symphony, or a concerto or of another piece of non vocal classical music which has several movements * A prolonged final sequence at the end of an opera or musical, or the end of an act of an… … Wikipedia
Finale — Sn Schlußteil, Endspiel std. (16. Jh., Form 17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus it. finale m., dieses aus l. fīnālis am Ende befindlich, die Grenzen betreffend , zu l. fīnis m./f. Ende . Zunächst als Final entlehnt mit der Bedeutung Schlußbuchstabe … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
finale — [dal lat. tardo finalis, der. del sost. finis fine2 e fine3 ]. ■ agg. 1. [che sta alla fine, che conclude: scena f. ; esame f. ; decisione f. ] ▶◀ conclusivo, [preposto al nome] ultimo. ↑ estremo. ◀▶ iniziale, primo. 2. (estens.) [che risolve,… … Enciclopedia Italiana
finale — 1783, borrowed as a musical term from It. finale final, from L. finalis (see FINAL (Cf. final)). From 1724 as an Italian word in English. Figurative use by 1810 … Etymology dictionary
finale — finále m[i] i sr[/i] DEFINICIJA 1. glazb. a. posljednji stavak višestavčanih instrumentalnih kompozicija (sonate, simfonije i sl.) b. u klasičnoj operi završna scena pojedinog čina 2. općenito, vrhunac nekog događaja; konac, kraj, rasplet,… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Finale — »Schlussteil« (besonders in der Musik als »Schlusssatz eines Tonstücks« und im Sport als »Endkampf, Endspiel, Endrunde«): Das Fremdwort wurde als musikalischer Fachausdruck schon im 17. Jh. aus dem It. entlehnt, erreichte uns dann zum zweiten Mal … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
Finale — [Network (Rating 5600 9600)] Auch: • Endausscheidung • Endspiel Bsp.: • Hat deine Mannschaft das Finale der Fußballmeisterschaft gewonnen? … Deutsch Wörterbuch
Finale — Fi*na le (f[ e]*n[aum] l[asl]), n. [It. See {Final}.] Close; termination; as: (a) (Mus.) The last movement of a symphony, sonata, concerto, or any instrumental composition. (b) The last composition performed in any act of an opera. (c) The… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Finale B — is a song from the rock opera Rent . It is the last song of the show, coming immediately after Your Eyes. It is a compilation of several songs sung in the musical, such as Another Day, Life Support, Without You, and Will I? . The song begins with … Wikipedia