
/fet"euh/, n.
a soft, white, brine-cured Greek cheese made from sheep's milk or goat's milk.
[1935-40; < ModGk, short for tyrì phéta, equiv. to tyrí cheese (Gk tyrós) + phéta slice < It fetta (see FETTUCCINE)]

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      fresh, white, soft or semisoft cheese of Greece, originally made exclusively from goat's or sheep's milk but in modern times containing cow's milk. Feta is not cooked or pressed but is cured briefly in a brine solution that adds a salty flavour to the sharp tang of goat's or sheep's milk.

      The making, or so-called pickling, of feta is an ancient practice. In Homer's Odyssey, Polyphemus the Cyclops made sheep's milk cheese, probably a forerunner of feta, which he ripened on racks in his cave. Considered the national cheese of Greece, feta is now made in many parts of the world. The best versions adhere to the original ingredients. Exported feta is usually pasteurized, but in Greece the cheese is still made in the traditional manner by mountain farmers. When stored in a liquid bath of brine, water, or milk, it will keep for months; otherwise it dries out quickly.

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