Federal Land Bank

Federal Land Bank
a U.S. federal bank for making long-term loans to farmers.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Federal Land Bank — ☆ Federal Land Bank n. any of twelve regional banks established in 1916 to provide farmers with long term loans secured by first mortgages on their farm property …   English World dictionary

  • Federal Land Bank - FLB — A bank which specializes in loans and financing for rural property such as farms, forestry and timber, other parks and recreational services. Federal Land Banks (FLB s) employ experts in the industry capable of throroughly explaining the products …   Investment dictionary

  • federal land bank — noun Usage: usually capitalized F&L : one of 12 regional banks established under the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916 to facilitate the furnishing of capital to farms by making long term loans available through subsidiary cooperative farm loan… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Federal Land Bank — A bank administered under the US Farm Credit Administration that provides long term mortgage credit to farmers for agriculture related expenditures. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary …   Financial and business terms

  • land bank — ☆ land bank n. a bank that finances transactions in real estate: see also FEDERAL LAND BANK …   English World dictionary

  • land bank — noun 1. : a bank issuing its currency upon real property 2. : a bank (as the Federal Land Bank) that invests in farm mortgages and issues its own bonds to secure funds for the purpose * * * land banking. 1. a banking association that engages in… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Land Bank — A land bank is a bank that issues long term loans on real estate in return for mortgages. This term could also apply to: *The former Federal Land Bank Association in the United States, which was merged with the former Production Credit… …   Wikipedia

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  • Federal Land Development Authority (Malaysia) — The Federal Land Development Authority (more commonly referred to as FELDA) is a Malaysian government agency handling the resettlement of rural poor into newly developed areas. It focuses on opening smallholder farms growing cash crops. FELDA s… …   Wikipedia

  • land bank — A federally created bank under the Federal Farm Loan Act and organized to make loans on farm security at low interest rates. May also describe program in which land is retired from agricultural production for use in conservation or in tree… …   Black's law dictionary

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