
dahl [däl]
alt. sp. of DAL1

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dahl (däl) n.
1. See pigeon pea.
2. or dal A thick creamy East Indian stew made with lentils or other legumes, onions, and various spices.
  [Hindi dāl, dahl seed, from Sanskrit dalaḥ, dalam, piece split off, from dalati, he splits. See der-.

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a British author best known for his very popular childrens books. These include James and the Giant Peach (1962), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964), The BFG (1982) and Matilda (1988), all of which have been made into films. Dahl is one of the most popular childrens authors ever, though some adults are worried by the cruel aspects of many of his stories. He was born in Wales, of Norwegian parents.

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