- fasten
/fas"euhn, fah"seuhn/, v.t.1. to attach firmly or securely in place; fix securely to something else.2. to make secure, as an article of dress with buttons, clasps, etc., or a door with a lock, bolt, etc.3. to enclose securely, as a person or an animal (usually fol. by in): to fasten a monkey in a cage.4. to attach, associate, or connect: to fasten a nickname on someone.5. to direct (the eyes, thoughts, etc.) intently: to fasten one's eyes on a speaker.v.i.6. to become fast, fixed, or firm.7. to close firmly or securely; lock: This clasp won't fasten.8. to take a firm hold; seize (usually fol. by on or upon): to fasten on an idea.9. to focus attention; concentrate (usually fol. by on or upon): His gaze fastened on the jewels.[bef. 900; ME fastenen, OE faestnian; c. ON fastna to betroth; akin to FAST1]Syn. 1. connect, link, hook, clasp, clinch, rivet, clamp, bind, tie, tether.
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Universalium. 2010.