
/fahr"poynt'/, n. Ophthalm.
the point farthest from the eye at which an object is clearly focused on the retina when accommodation of the eye is completely relaxed. Cf. near-point.

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  • far point — fär n the point farthest from the eye at which an object is accurately focused on the retina when the accommodation is completely relaxed, being theoretically equivalent to infinity or, for practical purposes with respect to the normal eye,… …   Medical dictionary

  • far-point — far′ point n. oph the point farthest from the eye at which an object is clearly focused on the retina when accommodation of the eye is completely relaxed Compare near point • Etymology: 1875–80 …   From formal English to slang

  • far point — n. the farthest point at which vision is distinct when the lens, muscles, etc. of the eye are relaxed * * * …   Universalium

  • far point — n. the farthest point at which vision is distinct when the lens, muscles, etc. of the eye are relaxed …   English World dictionary

  • far point — noun : the point farthest from the eye at which an object is accurately focused on the retina when the accommodation is completely relaxed, being theoretically equatable with infinity or, for practical purposes in respect to the normal eye, with… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Far point — In visual perception, the far point is the point at which an object must be placed along the optical axis for its image to be focused on the retina when the eye is not accommodating. It is sometimes described as the farthest point from the eye at …   Wikipedia

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  • far point — noun a) The most distant point at which the eye can focus (usually infinity, but nearer for a myopic eye). b) The most distant point under consideration in any situation …   Wiktionary

  • far-point — /fahr poynt /, n. Ophthalm. the point farthest from the eye at which an object is clearly focused on the retina when accommodation of the eye is completely relaxed. Cf. near point. [1875 80] …   Useful english dictionary

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