
/far'euh nel"ee/; It. /fah'rddee nel"lee/, n.
Carlo /kahr"loh/; It. /kahrdd"law/, (Carlo Broschi), 1705-82, Italian operatic male soprano.

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orig. Carlo Broschi

born Jan. 24, 1705, Andria, Kingdom of Naples
died July 15, 1782, Bologna

Italian castrato singer.

After being castrated, he became a student of the composer Nicola Porpora (16861768), making his debut in 1720. Renowned for his vocal power and remarkable agility, he was persuaded by Porpora to go to London in 1734, where he became the greatest opera star of his time. In 1747 he abandoned the public stage for the court of Philip V in Madrid, where his singing revived the ailing monarch. Farinelli took over the court's musical establishment and engaged in highly extravagant projects. In 1759 he retired to Bologna, where he received illustrious guests, including Joseph II and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, in great style at his villa.

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Italian singer
original name  Carlo Broschi  
born Jan. 24, 1705, Andria, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]
died July 15, 1782, Bologna
 celebrated Italian castrato singer of the 18th century and one of the greatest singers in the history of opera. He adopted the surname of his benefactors, the brothers Farina.

      He studied in Naples under Nicola Porpora (Porpora, Nicola), one of the leading 18th-century opera composers and the outstanding voice teacher of the century. At age 15 he made his debut at Rome in Porpora's serenata Angelica, with a text by the 22-year-old librettist Pietro Metastasio (Metastasio, Pietro); the singer and the poet formed a lifelong friendship. Farinelli's reputation spread throughout Italy and to Vienna and London, and he was admired for his pure, powerful voice, his technical proficiency, his skill in florid embellishment, and his musical expression. In 1734 he joined Porpora in London, appearing in his operas and, with the castrato Senesino, in Johann Hasse (Hasse, Johann Adolph)'s opera Artaserse.

      In 1737 Farinelli went to Spain, where his singing alleviated the deep-seated melancholia of Philip V; nightly for nearly 10 years he sang the same songs to the king. Philip died in 1746, but Farinelli stayed in Spain under Ferdinand VI until 1759, achieving distinction as an impresario and also taking an active part in public affairs. Though dismissed from his post at court by Charles III for political differences, he had accumulated great wealth and spent the rest of his life peacefully in Italy.

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