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Excimer — An excimer [Birks, JB Excimers , Rep. Prog. Phys. 1975, 38 , 903 974.] (originally short for excited dimer) is a short lived dimeric or heterodimeric molecule formed from two species, at least one of which is in an electronic excited state.… … Wikipedia
Excimer — Die Bezeichnung Excimer, leitet sich her aus der Kurzform von „excited dimer“ (= angeregtes Dimer). Es handelt sich dabei um ein kurzlebiges Teilchen, das aus zwei oder mehreren zusammenhängenden Atomen besteht. Die Besonderheit gegenüber einem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Excimer — eksimeras statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. excimer vok. Excimer, m rus. эксимер, m pranc. excimer, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
excimer — eksimeras statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. excimer vok. Excimer, m rus. эксимер, m pranc. excimer, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Excimer — Ex|ci|mer [Kurzw. aus engl. excited dimer = angeregtes Dimer]; das; s, e, u. Ex|ci|me|re, das; en, en: eine durch Assoziation entstandene ↑ Molekülverbindung (AA)* aus einem angeregten Molekül (A*) u. einem nichtangeregten Molekül (A) derselben… … Universal-Lexikon
excimer — ex·ci·mer ek si (.)mər n 1) an aggregate of two atoms or molecules that exists in an excited state 2) EXCIMER LASER … Medical dictionary
excimer laser — [ek′sə mər] n. a type of gas laser that emits powerful pulses of ultraviolet radiation used in weapons, industrial, or medical research: this radiation is emitted as the short lived excimers, dimeric molecules that can only exist when a component … Universalium
excimer laser — [ek′sə mər] n. a type of gas laser that emits powerful pulses of ultraviolet radiation used in weapons, industrial, or medical research: this radiation is emitted as the short lived excimers, dimeric molecules that can only exist when a component … English World dictionary
Excimer laser — An excimer laser (sometimes, and more correctly, called an exciplex laser) is a form of ultraviolet laser which is commonly used in eye surgery and semiconductor manufacturing. The term excimer is short for excited dimer , while exciplex is short … Wikipedia
Excimer-Laser — Excimerlaser erzeugen elektromagnetische Strahlung im ultravioletten Wellenlängenbereich. Anwendungsbeispiele sind z. B. die operative Korrektur der Kurzsichtigkeit und die Fotolithografie (Mikrolithographie), zur Herstellung hochintegrierter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Excimer laser — A laser that emits very concentrated light in the ultraviolet (UV) region of the spectrum. Excimer lasers are used in medicine. For examples, In ophthalmology to vaporize part of the surface layer of the cornea and thus reshape the cornea to… … Medical dictionary