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Cushite — Cush ite (k[u^]sh [imac]t), n. A descendant of Cush, the son of Ham and grandson of Noah. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cushite — may refer to : Cushitic languages North Cushitic Central Cushitic Highland East Cushitic Lowland East Cushitic South Cushitic the historical Kingdom of Kush a biblical tribal name, see Cush (Bible) a Hebrew racial term for African , see… … Wikipedia
Cushite — 1) The messenger sent by Joab to David to announce his victory over Absalom (2 Sam. 18:32). 2) The father of Shelemiah (Jer. 36:14). 3) Son of Gedaliah, and father of the prophet Zephaniah (1:1). 4) Moses married a Cushite woman (Num … Easton's Bible Dictionary
Cushite — adjective or noun see Cush … New Collegiate Dictionary
Cushite — 1. adjective pertaining to the ancient people of eastern Africa, considered the descendants of biblical Cush 2. noun a) a member of one of the peoples of eastern Africa, or any black African b) a sub family of the Afro Asiatic languages, Cushitic … Wiktionary
cushite — cush·ite … English syllables
cushite — I. ˈkəˌshīt noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: Cush (Kush), ancient country in the Nile valley adjoining Egypt + English ite : a native or inhabitant of ancient Cush II. adjective … Useful english dictionary
ZERAH THE CUSHITE — (Heb. זֶרַח הַכּוּשִׁי), military commander who invaded Judah in the time of asa . According to a story, preserved only in II Chronicles 14:8–14, Zerah commanded a large army and 300 chariots against Judah and reached the environs of mareshah .… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire — is a book by Drusilla Dunjee Houston published in 1926. The book examines the history of the Cushite civilization of Africa. Although the book was unusual for its time period, in that it considered ancient African civilizations to be worthy of… … Wikipedia
Kashta — ▪ Cushite king of Egypt flourished c. 750 BCE Kushite king who Egyptianized Nubia and conquered Upper Egypt. He was the brother and successor of Alara and the father of Piye (Piankhi), who conquered the rest of Egypt, and of Shabaka, who… … Universalium