- et seqq.
and those following.Also, et sqq.[ < L et sequentes, et sequentia]
* * *
Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
seqq. — seqq. 〈Abk. für lat.〉 sequentes * * * seqq. = sequentes … Universal-Lexikon
seqq. — seqq. 〈Abk. für〉 sequentes … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
seqq. — seqq. = sequentes … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
seqq. — seqq. abbrev. [L sequentia] the following (ones) … English World dictionary
seqq. — the following (ones). [ < L sequentia] * * * seqq., the following (items) (Latin, sequentia) … Useful english dictionary
seqq. — the following (ones). [ < L sequentia] * * * … Universalium
seqq. — sequentia following … Latin abbreviations
seqq. — the following (ones) • Etymology: < L sequentia … From formal English to slang
seqq — abbreviation 1. [Latin sequentes, sequentia] the following 2. [Latin sequentibus] in the following places … Useful english dictionary
et seqq. — and those following. Also, et sqq. [ < L et sequentes, et sequentia] * * * et seqq., and those following … Useful english dictionary