
ethnobotanic /eth'noh beuh tan"ik/, ethnobotanical, adj.ethnobotanist, n.
/eth'noh bot"n ee/, n.
1. the plant lore and agricultural customs of a people.
2. Anthropol. the systematic study of such lore and customs.
[1885-90, Amer.; ETHNO- + BOTANY]

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      systematic study of the botanical knowledge of a social group and its use of locally available plants in foods, medicines, clothing, or religious rituals. Rudimentary drugs derived from plants used in folk medicines have been found to be beneficial in the treatment of many illnesses, both physical and mental. The ethnobotany of prehistoric cultures is discovered through examination of ancient writings, pictures, pottery, and plant remains in jars or midden heaps (garbage dumps) excavated at archaeological sites. From this information, the agricultural practices and cultural development of a people can be determined. Ethnobotanists often live for periods of time in the society they are studying, to observe all phases of their lives, including mythology, religious practices, and language, in order to determine the specific plants used and the methods involved in their preparation. Travelers' journals, the field notes of early botanists, and other writings serve as sources of information about agricultural methods and folk remedies of the past.

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