
e-tailer, n.
/ee"tay'ling/, n.
the selling of goods and services on the Internet or through e-mail solicitation.
[1995-2000; E- + (RE)TAILING]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Tailing (Chromatographie) — Tailing bezeichnet die Asymmetrie eines Peaks in der Chromatographie bei dem der Vorderteil steiler ist als der Hinterteil relativ zur Grundlinie. In der Papierchromatographie und Dünnschichtchromatographie erkennt man es an der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tailing — Tail ing, n. 1. (Arch.) The part of a projecting stone or brick inserted in a wall. Gwilt. [1913 Webster] 2. (Surg.) Same as {Tail}, n., 8 (a) . [1913 Webster] 3. Sexual intercourse. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 4. pl. The lighter parts of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tailing — may refer to: *Tailings, the material left over after the extraction of ore from its host material *Lamb marking, a process applied in sheep husbandry, typically involving removal of a sheep s tail …   Wikipedia

  • Tailing pond — Tailing ponds are areas of refused mining tailings where the refuse material is ponded to allow the settlement of solid particles from the water it is carried in. The ponded water is of some benefit as it minimizes fine tailings from being… …   Wikipedia

  • tailing — tailing. Присоединение к 3 ОН концам обеих цепей фрагмента ДНК с тупыми концами (чаще всего кДНК) хвоста ( tail ) в виде гомополимера дезоксирибонуклеозидмонофосфатов с помощью терминальной трансферазы <terminal transferase>; в случае… …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • tailing — [tāl′iŋ] n. [ TAIL1, v. + ING] 1. [pl.] waste or refuse left in various processes of milling, mining, distilling, etc. 2. the part of a projecting brick, etc. fastened into a wall …   English World dictionary

  • Tailing — Für Tailing in der Biologie siehe Polyadenylierung. in der analytischen Chemie siehe Tailing (Chromatographie) in der Erzgewinnung siehe Tailing (Bergbau) Für das Grab (chin. 泰陵; Pinyin: Tailing) des Tang Kaisers Xuanzong (Li Longji) in Pucheng,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tailing — Tail Tail, n. [AS. t[ae]gel, t[ae]gl; akin to G. zagel, Icel. tagl, Sw. tagel, Goth. tagl hair. [root]59.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) The terminal, and usually flexible, posterior appendage of an animal. [1913 Webster] Note: The tail of mammals and reptiles… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tailing — Original name in latin Tailing Name in other language Tailing, Tailing Xiang, tai ling, tai ling xiang State code CN Continent/City Asia/Shanghai longitude 27.06865 latitude 114.11124 altitude 145 Population 0 Date 2012 01 21 …   Cities with a population over 1000 database

  • Tailing (Bergbau) — Als Tailing bezeichnet man im Bergbau feinkörnige Rückstände, die in Form von Schlämmen vorliegen. Sie werden an den Entstehungsorten, d. h. an den Minen bzw. Weiterverarbeitungsstätten, in großen, meist mit Dämmen abgetrennten Becken oder… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tailing glove — a glove used in tailing (1) made of a mesh of nylon, kevlar and stainless steel, originally for protection against knife cuts when filleting fish. The mesh facilitates grip through the slippery mucus but does not remove it as readily as dry hands …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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