
/ee"rek, er"ek/, n.
Biblical name of Uruk.

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or Uruk

Ancient city, Mesopotamia.

Located northwest of Ur on the Euphrates River, it was one of the greatest cities of Sumer and was enclosed by brickwork walls that, according to legend, were built by the mythical hero Gilgamesh. Excavations have traced successive cities that date from the prehistoric Ubaid period (с 5000 BC) to Parthian times (126 BCAD 224), when in с 70 BC an ancient school of learned scribes was still using cuneiform script. Urban life in what is known as the Erech-Jamdat Nasr period (с 35002900 BC) is more fully illustrated at Erech than at any other Mesopotamian city.

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ancient city, Iraq
Sumerian  Uruk , Greek  Orchoë , modern  Tall al-Warkāʾ 

      ancient Mesopotamian city located northwest of Ur (Tall Al-Muqayyar) in southeastern Iraq. The site has been excavated from 1928 onward by the German Oriental Society and the German Archeological Institute. Erech was one of the greatest cities of Sumer and was enclosed by brickwork walls about 6 miles (10 km) in circumference, which according to legend were built by the mythical hero Gilgamesh. Within the walls, excavations traced successive cities that date from the prehistoric Ubaid period, perhaps before 5000 BC, down to Parthian times (126 BCAD 224). Urban life in what is known as the ErechJamdat Nasr period (c. 3500c. 2900 BC) is more fully illustrated at Erech than at any other Mesopotamian city.

      The two principal Sumerian divinities worshiped in ancient Erech appear to have been Anu (An), a sky god, and the goddess Inanna (Ishtar) (“Queen of the Sky”). One of the chief landmarks of the city is the Anu ziggurat crowned by theWhite Templeof the Jamdat Nasr period, which was one of great prosperitygold, silver, and copper were skillfully worked, and seals and amulets reflected a brilliant miniature craftsmanship.

      The temenos (sacred enclosure) of Eanna, another ziggurat, bore witness to the attention of many powerful kings, including Ur-Nammu (reigned 21122095 BC), first king of the 3rd dynasty of Ur. Ur-Nammu also did much for the layout of the city, which then benefited from a Neo-Sumerian revival. Various architectural developments were associated with the Isin-Larsa period (c. 20171763) and with the Kassite period (c. 1595c. 1157). Later rulers, including Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great, also built in the district of Eanna.

      The city continued to prosper in Parthian times, when the last of an ancient school of learned scribes was still editing documents (c. 70 BC) in the cuneiform script.

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