
/ear"euh, er"euh/, n.
1. a period of time marked by distinctive character, events, etc.: The use of steam for power marked the beginning of an era.
2. the period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned: She was born in the era of hansoms and gaslight.
3. a system of chronologic notation reckoned from a given date: The era of the Romans was based upon the time the city of Rome was founded.
4. a point of time from which succeeding years are numbered, as at the beginning of a system of chronology: Caesar died many years before our era.
5. a date or an event forming the beginning of any distinctive period: The year 1492 marks an era in world history.
6. Geol. a major division of geologic time composed of a number of periods. See table under geologic time.
[1605-15; < LL aera fixed date, era, epoch (from which time is reckoned), prob. special use of L aera counters (pl. of aes piece of metal, money, brass); c. Goth aiz, OE ar ORE, Skt ayas metal]
Syn. 1. See age.

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Very long span of geologic time; in formal usage, a portion of geologic time of the second-greatest magnitude (eons are longer).

Three eras are recognized: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. Because of the difficulties involved in establishing accurate chronologies, the Precambrian, or earliest, eras are classified independently. An era is composed of one or more geologic periods.
(as used in expressions)
Good Feelings Era of
Palaeozoic Era

* * *

      a very long span of geological time; in formal usage, a portion of geological time of the greatest magnitude. Three eras are recognized: Paleozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, and Cenozoic Era. Because of the difficulties involved in establishing accurate chronologies, the Precambrian, or earliest, eras are classified independently. An era is composed of one or more geological periods (period). The stratigraphic, or rock, term that corresponds toeraiserathem.”

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Universalium. 2010.

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(marked by any administration or dispensation) / , , , , / (from which dates are reckoned), ,

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