
ephoral, adj.ephorate /ef"euh rayt', -euhr it/, ephoralty /ef"euhr euhl tee/, n.
/ef"awr, ef"euhr/, n., pl. ephors, ephori /-euh ruy'/.
one of a body of magistrates in various ancient Dorian states, esp. at Sparta, where a body of five was elected annually by the people.
[1580-90; < L ephorus < Gk éphoros overseer, guardian, ruler (Compare EPHORÂN to look over, equiv. to ep- EP- + horân to see, look)]

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(Greek ephoros) Title of the five highest Spartan magistrates.

With the two kings of Sparta they formed the state's executive wing. The list of ephors dates back to 754 BC. Every male citizen was eligible for election to the ephorate, which conducted meetings of the gerousia and apella and executed their decrees. The ephors' extensive police powers allowed them to declare war on the helots annually, with legal license to attack and kill them if necessary. In an emergency they could even arrest and try a king.

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Spartan magistrate
      (Greek ephoros), title of the highest Spartan magistrates, five in number, who with the kings formed the main executive wing of the state. In antiquity, time periods were recorded by the names of the ephors on a list that dated back to 754 BC. The origins of the ephorate are uncertain, however, being variously ascribed to the reforms of Lycurgus and to the necessity of maintaining state authority in the absence of the kings during the Messenian Wars.

      Every adult male citizen was eligible for election, which was annual. In classical times an oath was sworn monthly: by the kings that they would observe the laws; by the ephors on behalf of the city that on this condition they would maintain the king's authority. The ephors presided over meetings of the council of elders, or gerousia, and assembly, or apella, and were responsible for the execution of their decrees. Their extensive police powers allowed them to make the annual declaration of war on the helots and, in emergency, arrest, imprison, and participate in the trial of a king. The most famous of them was Chilon in the middle of the 6th century BC, one of the Seven Wise Men of Greece.

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