
/ep'euh nawr thoh"sis/, n., pl. epanorthoses /-seez/. Rhet.
the rephrasing of an immediately preceding word or statement for the purpose of intensification, emphasis, or justification, as in "Seems, madam! Nay, it is; I know not 'seems.' "
[1570-80; < Gk epanórthosis correcting, revision. See EP-, ANA-, ORTHOSIS]

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  • Epanorthosis — Ep an*or*tho sis, n. [L., fr. Gr. ?; epi + ? to set right again; ? again + ? to set straight.] A figure by which a speaker recalls a word or words, in order to substitute something else stronger or more significant; as, Most brave! Brave, did I… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • epanorthosis — noun immediate rephrasing for intensification or justification Seems, madam! Nay, it is • Hypernyms: ↑rhetorical device * * * ˌnȯ(r)ˈthōsə̇s noun ( es) Etymology: Late Latin …   Useful english dictionary

  • epanorthosis — noun A rhetorical device or element in which a speaker or writer retracts a word that has been spoken and substitutes a stronger or more suitable word; often done for emphasis or sarcasm. <!Needs illustration by example (not usage example of… …   Wiktionary

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  • epanortosis — (del lat. «epanorthōsis», del gr. «epanórthōsis», verificación) f. *Figura retórica que consiste en rectificar o ampliar una expresión inmediatamente después de usarla. ≃ Corrección. * * * epanortosis. (Del lat. epanorthōsis, y este del gr.… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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