
enragedly /en ray"jid lee, -rayjd"-/, adv.enragement, n.
/en rayj"/, v.t., enraged, enraging.
to make extremely angry; put into a rage; infuriate: His supercilious attitude enraged me.
[1490-1500; < MF enrager. See EN-1, RAGE]
Syn. anger, inflame, madden. ENRAGE, INCENSE, INFURIATE imply stirring to violent anger. TO ENRAGE or TO INFURIATE is to provoke wrath: They enrage (infuriate) him by their deliberate and continual injustice. TO INCENSE is to inflame with indignation or anger: to incense a person by making insulting remarks.
Ant. appease, pacify.

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French revolutionary group

      any of a group of extreme revolutionaries in France in 1793, led by a former priest, Jacques Roux (Roux, Jacques), and Varlet, a postal official, who advocated social and economic measures in favour of the lower classes.

      The Enragés' name reflects the horror that they aroused in the bourgeoisie. Concerned primarily with the problem of a critical food shortage, the Enragés supported a program of price controls over commodities, requisitioning of grain, and government assistance to the poor. In the spring of 1793, they took an active part in the popular agitation that led to the overthrow of the moderate Girondins in the National Convention and pressured the Montagnards, or the Jacobins in the Convention, into taking emergency and terroristic measures to protect the Revolution.

      The leaders of the Enragés, fierce critics of the government, charged it with inaction and were arrested in September 1793 by order of the ruling Committee of Public Safety. The Enragés were replaced as popular leaders of the Revolution by the group known as the Hébertists.

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  • enragé — enragé, ée [ ɑ̃raʒe ] adj. • XIIe; de enrager 1 ♦ Furieux, fou de colère. ⇒ furibond. « La contrainte perpétuelle qu il s imposait le rendait enragé » (R. Rolland). ♢ Vieilli Qui n a pas toute sa raison. ⇒ fou. « raisonnable pendant plus de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Enrage — En*rage , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Enraged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Enraging}.] [F. enrager to be enraged; pref. en (L. in) + rage rage. See {Rage}.] To fill with rage; to provoke to frenzy or madness; to make furious. Syn: To irritate; incense; inflame;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • enrage — late 14c. (implied in enraged), from O.Fr. enragier go wild, go mad, lose one s senses, from en make, put in (see EN (Cf. en ) (1)) + rage rabies, rage (see RAGE (Cf. rage)). Related: Enraging. Intransitive only in Old French; transitive sense is …   Etymology dictionary

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