
endocarditic /en'doh kahr dit"ik/, adj.
/en'doh kahr duy"tis/, n. Pathol.
inflammation of the endocardium.
[1830-40; < NL; see ENDO-, CARDITIS]

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Inflammation of the heart lining (endocardium), in association with a noninfectious disease (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus) or caused by infection, usually at the heart valves.

Severe bacterial infection causes an acute form with fever, sweating, chills, joint pain and swelling, and embolisms. Subacute endocarditis usually comes from bacteria that do not ordinarily cause disease. Bacterial endocarditis is usually treated with long-term antibiotics. In nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis, blood clots form along heart valve edges.

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      inflammation of the heart lining, or endocardium. Endocarditis is caused by any of a number of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, rickettsias, and possibly viruses, that enter the bloodstream and become trapped in the heart. The disease is characterized by the presence of vegetations (aggregates of microorganisms and inflammatory cells) on the endocardium, particularly the heart valve. Vegetations may break loose from the valve and enter the circulation, compromising blood flow to other organs (e.g., as in stroke) or allowing infection to spread to other parts of the body (causing, e.g., arthritis). Infective endocarditis usually occurs in persons with preexisting valvular or congenital heart disease, which can create abnormalities that trap microorganisms and create environments conducive to their growth. Frequently, the microbes originate from skin abscesses, sexually transmitted diseases (sexually transmitted disease) such as gonorrhea, tooth extraction, and other surgical and diagnostic procedures.

      Traditionally, infective endocarditis has been classified as acute or subacute. Acute infective endocarditis generally is caused by staphylococcus, pneumococcus, or Gonococcus bacteria or by fungi. This form of endocarditis develops rapidly, with fever, malaise, and other signs of systemic infection coupled with abnormal cardiac function and even acute heart failure. Subacute endocarditis is caused by less-virulent strains of Streptococcus and is more slowly progressive. Diagnosis of endocarditis is established by blood culture and physical examination. Treatment consists of the use of intravenous antimicrobial drugs for four to six weeks or longer. If severe erosion of the valves and resultant cardiac failure occur, surgical replacement of the damaged valves with artificial ones may be necessary. When endocarditis is diagnosed early and accurately and effective treatment begun, the prognosis can be excellent. On the other hand, patients with severe cardiac damage and infection by drug-resistant microbes can have great difficulties.

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Universalium. 2010.

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