- endanger
—endangerment, n./en dayn"jayr/, v.t.to expose to danger; imperil: It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.[1400-50; late ME; see EN-1, DANGER]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Endanger — ist ein 1998 gegründetes deutsches Musikprojekt von Marc Pollmann und Rouven Walterowicz, welches dem Synthie Pop und Future Pop Genre zugeordnet werden kann. Rouven Walterowicz ist für Texte, Gesang und Kompositionen verantwortlich, Marc… … Deutsch Wikipedia
endanger — en·dan·ger vt: to bring into danger or peril vi: to create a dangerous situation charged with driving to endanger Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. endanger … Law dictionary
Endanger — En*dan ger, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Endangered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Endangering}.] 1. To put to hazard; to bring into danger or peril; to expose to loss or injury; as, to endanger life or peace. [1913 Webster] All the other difficulties of his reign… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
endanger — late 15c., from EN (Cf. en ) (1) make, put in + DANGER (Cf. danger). Related: Endangered; endangering. Endangered species first recorded 1964 … Etymology dictionary
endanger — *venture, hazard, risk, chance, jeopardize, imperil Analogous words: encounter, confront, *meet, face: dare, brave (see FACE): incur, contract, catch … New Dictionary of Synonyms
endanger — [v] put in jeopardy be careless, chance, chance it*, expose, hazard, imperil, lay on the line*, lay open*, leave defenseless, leave in the middle*, make liable, menace, peril, play into one’s hands*, put at risk, put in danger, put on the spot*,… … New thesaurus
endanger — ► VERB ▪ put in danger. DERIVATIVES endangerment noun … English terms dictionary
endanger — [en dān′jər, indān′jər] vt. 1. to expose to danger, harm, or loss; imperil 2. to threaten with extinction endangerment n … English World dictionary
endanger — 01. Your reckless driving [endangered] the lives of everyone in the car. 02. Raising taxes at this time could [endanger] this slow recovery of the economy. 03. It s too windy to go out in a boat without [endangering] yourself and the others. 04.… … Grammatical examples in English
endanger — verb ADVERB ▪ greatly, seriously ▪ Taking these drugs could seriously endanger your health. ▪ recklessly VERB + ENDANGER ▪ be likely to … Collocations dictionary
endanger — UK [ɪnˈdeɪndʒə(r)] / US [ɪnˈdeɪndʒər] verb [transitive] Word forms endanger : present tense I/you/we/they endanger he/she/it endangers present participle endangering past tense endangered past participle endangered to put someone or something… … English dictionary