- emendation
/ee'meuhn day"sheuhn, em'euhn-/, n.1. a correction or change, as of a text.2. the act of emending.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Emendation — Em en*da tion, n. [L. emendatio: cf. F. [ e]mendation.] 1. The act of altering for the better, or correcting what is erroneous or faulty; correction; improvement. He lies in his sin without repentance or emendation. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emendation — index advancement (improvement), amendment (correction), correction (change), progress Burton s Legal Thesaurus … Law dictionary
émendation — [emɑ̃dɑsjɔ̃] n. f. ÉTYM. XIIIe; du lat. emendatio « action de corriger », de emendatum, supin de emendare. → Émender. ❖ ♦ Didactique. 1 Rare. Action d émender (1.). || L émendation d un texte par un archiviste paléographe. 2 Spécialt (sc. nat.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Emendation — Emendation,die:⇨Verbesserung(1) … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
emendation — mid 15c., of ways of life; 17c., of texts; from L. emendationem (nom. emendatio), noun of action from pp. stem of emendare (see EMEND (Cf. emend)) … Etymology dictionary
emendation — Emendation, Correctio, Emendatio … Thresor de la langue françoyse
emendation — [ē΄men dā′shən, ēməndā′shən; ] also [ em΄endā′shən, em΄əndā′shən] n. [ME emendacioun < L emendatio] 1. the act of emending 2. correction or change made in a text, as in an attempt to restore the original reading … English World dictionary
emendation — in nomenclature, any demonstrably intentional change in the original spelling of an available zoological name, other than a mandatory change; a name of which the spelling has been altered. Does not include emendation of the scope of application… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Émendation — Une émendation est la modification volontaire de l orthographe d un nom ou d un texte. En zoologie, le Code international de nomenclature zoologique (CINZ) a défini des règles très précises autorisant l émendation des noms scientifiques lorsqu… … Wikipédia en Français
Emendation — Zu Emendation siehe: Emendation (Editionsphilologie) Emendation (Taxonomie) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
emendation — emend e‧mend [ɪˈmend] verb [transitive] to remove the mistakes from a piece of writing before other people read it: • It is possible that we will have to emend the data after it has been released. emendation noun [countable, uncountable] formal … Financial and business terms