- electrophoresis
—electrophoretic /i lek'troh feuh ret"ik/, adj./i lek'troh feuh ree"sis/, n.1. Also called cataphoresis. Physical Chem. the motion of colloidal particles suspended in a fluid medium, due to the influence of an electric field on the medium.2. Biol. this technique, applied to sorting proteins according to their responses to an electric field. Cf. gel electrophoresis.[1910-15; ELECTRO- + Gk phóresis a being borne; see -PHORE, -SIS]
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Movement of electrically charged particles in a fluid under the influence of an electric field.The particles migrate toward the electrode of the opposite electric charge, often on a gel-coated slab or plate, sometimes in a fluid flowing down a paper. Originated about 1930 by Arne Tiselius (1902–1971) as a technique for analysis, electrophoresis is used to analyze and separate colloids (e.g., proteins) or deposit coatings.* * *
also called cataphoresisthe movement of electrically charged particles in a fluid under the influence of an electric field. If the liquid rather than the particles is set in motion—e.g., through a fixed diaphragm—the phenomenon is called electroosmosis.Electrophoresis is used to analyze and separate colloids (e.g., proteins) or to deposit coatings, as on elements used in electron tubes.About 1930 the Swedish chemist Arne Tiselius (Tiselius, Arne) introduced the use of electrophoresis as an analytic technique. Tiselius originated the moving-boundary method of observation, in which a layer of pure (i.e., without particles) fluid is placed over a quantity of the same fluid containing colloidal particles; the boundary between two layers of fluid is visible and moves at the speed of electrophoresis of the particles.* * *
Universalium. 2010.