
/i lek"tron/, n.
1. Also called negatron. Physics, Chem. an elementary particle that is a fundamental constituent of matter, having a negative charge of 1.602 × 10-19 coulombs, a mass of 9.108 × 10-31 kilograms, and spin of 1/2, and existing independently or as the component outside the nucleus of an atom.
2. Elect. a unit of charge equal to the charge on one electron.
[term first suggested in 1891 by Irish physicist G. J. Stoney (1826-1911); ELECTR(IC) + -on (from the names of charged particles, as ION, CATION, ANION) with perh. accidental allusion to Gk élektron amber (see ELECTRIC)]

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Lightest electrically charged subatomic particle known.

It carries a negative charge (see electric charge), the basic charge of electricity. An electron has a small mass, less than 0.1% the mass of an atom. Under normal circumstances, electrons move about the nucleus of an atom in orbitals that form an electron cloud bound in varying strengths to the positively charged nucleus. Electrons closer to the nucleus are held more tightly. The first subatomic particle discovered, the electron was identified in 1897 by J. J. Thomson.
(as used in expressions)
electron paramagnetic resonance EPR

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      lightest stable subatomic particle known. It carries a negative charge, which is considered the basic unit of electric charge. The rest mass of the electron is 9.109 × 10−31 kg, which is only 1/1,840the mass of a proton. An electron is therefore considered nearly massless in comparison with a proton or a neutron, and the electron mass is not included in calculating the mass number of an atom.

      The electron was discovered in 1897 by the English physicist J.J. Thomson (Thomson, Sir J.J.) during investigations of cathode rays (cathode ray). His discovery of electrons, which he initially called corpuscles, played a pivotal role in revolutionizing knowledge of atomic structure. Under ordinary conditions electrons are bound to the positively charged nuclei of atoms by the attraction between opposite electric charges. In a neutral atom the number of electrons is identical to the number of positive charges on the nucleus. Any atom, however, may have more or fewer electrons than positive charges and thus be negatively or positively charged as a whole; these charged atoms are known as ions (ion). Not all electrons are associated with atoms; some occur in a free state with ions in the form of matter known as plasma.

      Within any given atom, electrons move about the nucleus in an orderly arrangement of orbitals (orbital), the attraction between electrons and nucleus overcoming repulsion among the electrons that would otherwise cause them to fly apart. These orbitals are organized in concentric shells proceeding outward from the nucleus with an increasing number of subshells. The electrons in orbitals closest to the nucleus are held most tightly; those in the outermost orbitals are shielded by intervening electrons and are the most loosely held by the nucleus. As the electrons move about within this structure, they form a diffuse cloud of negative charge that occupies nearly the entire volume of the atom. The detailed structural arrangement of electrons within an atom is referred to as the electronic configuration of the atom. The electronic configuration determines not only the size of an individual atom but also the chemical nature of the atom. The classification of elements within groups of similar elements in the periodic table, for example, is based on the similarity in their electron structures.

      Within the field of particle physics, there are two ways of classifying electrons. The electron is a fermion, a type of particle named after the Fermi-Dirac statistics that describe its behaviour. All fermions are characterized by half-integer values of their spin, where spin corresponds to the intrinsic angular momentum of the particle. The concept of spin is embodied in the wave equation for the electron formulated by P.A.M. Dirac (Dirac, P.A.M.). The Dirac wave equation also predicts the existence of the antimatter counterpart of the electron, the positron. Within the fermion group of subatomic particles, the electron can be further classified as a lepton. A lepton is a subatomic particle that reacts only by the electromagnetic (electromagnetism), weak (weak force), and gravitational (gravitation) forces; it does not respond to the short-range strong force that acts between quarks (quark) and binds protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus.

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