electromotive force

electromotive force
the energy available for conversion from nonelectric to electric form, or vice versa, per unit of charge passing through the source of the energy; the potential difference between the terminals of a source of electrical energy: expressed in volts. Abbr.: emf Also called pressure.

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Energy per unit electric charge that is imparted by an energy source, such as an electric generator or a battery.

As the device does work on the electric charge being transferred within itself, energy is converted from one form to another. The work done on a unit of electric charge or the energy gained by the unit charge is the electromotive force emf (or E) and is characteristic of any energy source capable of driving electric charge around a circuit. A common unit of electromotive force is the volt V, a unit equal to the difference in electric potential between two points in a conductor carrying a current of one ampere and dissipating one watt of power between the two points.

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abbreviation  E, or Emf,  

      energy per unit electric charge that is imparted by an energy source, such as an electric generator or a battery. Energy is converted from one form to another in the generator or battery as the device does work on the electric charge being transferred within itself. One terminal of the device becomes positively charged, the other becomes negatively charged. The work done on a unit of electric charge, or the energy thereby gained per unit electric charge, is the electromotive force. Electromotive force is the characteristic of any energy source capable of driving electric charge around a circuit. It is abbreviated E in the international metric system but also, popularly, as emf.

      A common unit of electromagnetic force is the volt, equivalent in the metrekilogramsecond system to one joule per coulomb of electric charge. In the electrostatic units of the centimetregramsecond system, the unit of electromagnetic force is the statvolt, or one erg per electrostatic unit of charge.

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