electric flux

electric flux
the lines of force that make up an electric field.

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      property of an electric field that may be thought of as the number of electric lines of force (or electric field lines) that intersect a given area. Electric field lines are considered to originate on positive electric charges and to terminate on negative charges. Field lines directed into a closed surface are considered negative; those directed out of a closed surface are positive. If there is no net charge within a closed surface, every field line directed into the surface continues through the interior and is directed outward elsewhere on the surface. The negative flux just equals in magnitude the positive flux, so that the net, or total, electric flux is zero. If a net charge is contained inside a closed surface, the total flux through the surface is proportional to the enclosed charge, positive if it is positive, negative if it is negative.

      The mathematical relation between electric flux and enclosed charge is known as Gauss's law for the electric field, one of the fundamental laws of electromagnetism. In the metre-kilogram-second system and the International System of Units (SI) the net flux of an electric field through any closed surface is equal to the enclosed charge, in units of coulombs (coulomb), divided by a constant, called the permittivity of free space; in the centimetre-gram-second system the net flux of an electric field through any closed surface is equal to the constant 4π times the enclosed charge, in electrostatic units (esu).

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Universalium. 2010.

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