electric charge

electric charge
one of the basic properties of the elementary particles of matter giving rise to all electric and magnetic forces and interactions. The two kinds of charge are given negative and positive algebraic signs: measured in coulombs. Also called charge, electricity.

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Quantity of electricity that flows in electric currents or that accumulates on the surfaces of dissimilar nonmetallic substances that are rubbed together briskly.

It occurs in discrete natural units, equal to the charge of an electron or proton. It cannot be created or destroyed. Charge can be positive or negative; one positive charge can combine with one negative charge, and the result is a net charge of zero. Two objects that have an excess of the same type of charge repel each other, while two objects with an excess of opposite charge attract each other. The unit of charge is the coulomb, which consists of 6.24 × 1018 natural units of electric charge.

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      basic property of matter carried by some elementary particles. Electric charge, which can be positive or negative, occurs in discrete natural units and is neither created nor destroyed.

      Electric charges are of two general types: positive and negative. Two objects that have an excess of one type of charge exert a force of repulsion on each other when relatively close together. Two objects that have excess opposite charges, one positively charged and the other negatively charged, attract each other when relatively near. (See Coulomb force.)

      Many fundamental, or subatomic, particles of matter have the property of electric charge. For example, electrons (electron) have negative charge and protons (proton) have positive charge, but neutrons (neutron) have zero charge. The negative charge of each electron is found by experiment to have the same magnitude, which is also equal to that of the positive charge of each proton. Charge thus exists in natural units equal to the charge of an electron or a proton, a fundamental physical constant. A direct and convincing measurement of an electron's charge, as a natural unit of electric charge, was first made (1909) in the Millikan oil-drop experiment. Atoms (atom) of matter are electrically neutral because their nuclei (nucleus) contain the same number of protons as there are electrons surrounding the nuclei. electric current and charged objects involve the separation of some of the negative charge of neutral atoms. Current in metal wires consists of a drift of electrons of which one or two from each atom are more loosely bound than the rest. Some of the atoms in the surface layer of a glass rod positively charged by rubbing it with a silk cloth have lost electrons, leaving a net positive charge (charge conservation) because of the unneutralized protons of their nuclei. A negatively charged object has an excess of electrons on its surface.

      Electric charge is conserved: in any isolated system, in any chemical or nuclear reaction, the net electric charge is constant. The algebraic sum of the fundamental charges remains the same. (See charge conservation.)

      The unit of electric charge in the metre–kilogram–second and SI systems is the coulomb, equivalent to the net amount of electric charge that flows through a cross section of a conductor in an electric circuit during each second when the current has a value of one ampere. One coulomb consists of 6.24 × 1018 natural units of electric charge, such as individual electrons or protons. One electron itself has a negative charge of 1.602176487 × 10-19 coulomb. In the centimetre–gram–second system there are two units of electric charge: the electrostatic unit of charge, esu, or statcoulomb; and the electromagnetic unit of charge, emu, or abcoulomb. One coulomb of electric charge equals about 3,000,000,000 esu, or one-tenth emu.

      An electrochemical unit of charge, the faraday, is useful in describing electrolysis reactions, such as in metallic electroplating. One faraday equals 9.64853399 × 104 coulombs, the charge of a mole of electrons (that is, an Avogadro's number, 6.02214179 × 1023, of electrons).

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