
/i kis"tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.)
the scientific study of human settlements, drawing on diverse disciplines, including architecture, city planning, and behavioral science.
[1955-60; coined by Constantine A. Doxiadus (1913-1975), Greek urbanologist, ult. < Gk oikistikos, deriv. of oikisía settlement, deriv. of oîkos house; see ICS]

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      science of human settlements. Ekistics involves the descriptive study of all kinds of human settlements and the formulation of general conclusions aimed at achieving harmony between the inhabitants of a settlement and their physical and sociocultural environments. Descriptive study involves the examination of the content, such as man alone or in societies, of a settlement, and the settlement container, or the physical settlement, composed of natural and human-made elements. The examination of settlement content and the physical settlement involves the investigation of five basic elements of human settlement: nature, including physical geography, soil resources, water resources, plant and animal life, and climate; human biological and emotional needs, sensations and perceptions, and moral values; society, including population characteristics, social stratification, cultural patterns, economic development, education, health and welfare, and law and administration; shells, or structures, in which people live and function, such as housing, schools, hospitals, shopping centres and markets, recreational facilities, civic and business centres, and industries; and networks, or systems, that facilitate life and day-to-day functions of inhabitants such as water and power systems, transportation networks, communication systems, and the settlement's physical layout.

      A result of the descriptive study of human settlement and its five basic elements is settlement classification according to the size and number of units which form the settlement; the permanency of the settlement or the degree to which it is continually inhabited; the method by which the settlement was created, such as a settlement that emerged or evolved naturally or one that was preconceived; and the most important form of settlement classification, that according to purpose or function. The most common functional classifications are rural (rural society) settlements, institutional settlements established for a specific purpose, and urban settlements.

      The descriptive study of human settlements also analyzes the anatomy of the settlement. Settlements or parts of settlements can be classified according to their degree of functional homogeneity, the type and number of central place functions, the circulatory patterns found within the settlement, or any special function or purpose observable in the settlement. The main purpose or function of a settlement can serve to categorize the settlement as a homogeneous region, such as a single farmstead classified as a homogeneous agricultural region or a bedroom community identified as a homogeneous residential region. Human settlements can be identified as central places that function as marketplaces, administrative centres, and social and cultural meeting places serving surrounding hinterlands. Circulatory patterns unite settlements by providing transport of people, goods, and information along lines of circulation such as roads. Nodal regions, or settlements, often form at the intersection of circulatory lines. Unique functions observable within a settlement sometimes are identified as a special settlement area, such as an army camp within a larger residential settlement or a large factory or business in the midst of a relatively homogeneous residential area. Most human settlements possess some form of all these types at some geographic scale.

      Unlike other disciplines or sciences interested primarily in one element of human settlement—such as society (sociology) or shells (architecture or engineering)—ekistic study draws upon the knowledge of economics, social science, technical disciplines, and cultural disciplines. Two fields of study closely allied to ekistics are urban geography and regional science, but neither claims the comprehensive approach advocated in ekistics. By drawing from the knowledge of other fields of study in the classification and anatomical study of human settlements, ekistics seeks to draw general conclusions or formulate theories or laws that can be used by builders, planners, architects, engineers, and other creators of human settlements in prescriptive action to cure the maladies of existing settlements and prevent such ills in future settlements.

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Universalium. 2010.

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