educational psychology

educational psychology
educational psychologist.
a branch of psychology concerned with developing effective educational techniques and dealing with psychological problems in schools.

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Branch of psychology concerned with the learning processes and psychological issues associated with the teaching and training of students.

The educational psychologist studies the cognitive development of students and the various factors involved in learning, including aptitude and learning measurement, the creative process, and the motivational forces that influence student-teacher dynamics. Two early leaders in the field were G. Stanley Hall and Edward L. Thorndike. See also school psychology.

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      theoretical and research branch of modern psychology, concerned with the learning processes and psychological problems associated with the teaching and training of students. The educational psychologist studies the cognitive development of students and the various factors involved in learning, including aptitude and learning measurement, the creative process, and the motivational forces that influence dynamics between students and teachers. Educational psychology is a partly experimental and partly applied branch of psychology, concerned with the optimization of learning. It differs from school psychology, which is an applied field that deals largely with problems in elementary and secondary school systems.

      Educational psychology traces its origins to the experimental and empirical work on association and sensory activity by the English anthropologist Sir Francis Galton (Galton, Sir Francis), and the American psychologist G. Stanley Hall (Hall, G. Stanley), who wrote The Contents of Children's Minds (1883). The major leader in the field of educational psychology, however, was the American educator and psychologist Edward Lee Thorndike (Thorndike, Edward L.), who designed methods to measure and test children's intelligence and their ability to learn. Thorndike proposed the transfer-of-training theory, which states thatwhat is learned in one sphere of activitytransfers' to another sphere only when the two spheres share commonelements.' ”

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