each other

each other
each the other; one another (used as a compound reciprocal pronoun): to strike at each other; to hold each other's hands; to love each other.
[bef. 1000; ME; OE. See EACH, OTHER]
Usage. Although some insist that EACH OTHER be used only in reference to two (The two candidates respected each other) and ONE ANOTHER in reference to three or more (The three nations threaten one another), in standard practice they are interchangeable. EACH OTHER is not restricted to two, nor is ONE ANOTHER restricted to three or more.
The possessive of EACH OTHER is each other's; the possessive of ONE ANOTHER is one another's.

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  • each other — pronoun ** 1. ) used for saying that each person or thing does something to the other or others: The women looked around at each other and smiled. They talk to each other on the phone every night. 2. ) used for saying that each person or thing is …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • each other — W1S1 pron [not used as the subject of a sentence] used to show that each of two or more people does something to the other or others →↑one another ▪ Susan and Robert kissed each other passionately. ▪ The girls looked at each other. ▪ They enjoy… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • each other — each oth′er pron. use each the other; one another (used as a compound reciprocal pronoun): to love each other; to hold each other s hands; to talk to each other[/ex] • Etymology: bef. 1000 usage: Usage guides advise that each other be used only… …   From formal English to slang

  • each other — reciprocal pronoun, originally in late Old English a phrase, with EACH (Cf. each) as the subject and OTHER (Cf. other) inflected (as it were each to other, each from other, etc.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • each\ other — • each other • one another pron Each one the other; one the other. That man and his wife love each other. Bill and Mary gave one another Christmas presents last year. All the children at the party were looking at one another trying to recognize… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • each other — ► PRONOUN ▪ the other one or ones …   English terms dictionary

  • each other */*/ — UK / US pronoun Usage note: You can use one another with the same meaning as each other. Get it right: each other: Each other is written as two separate words, not as one word: Wrong: We must be able to communicate and understand eachother. Right …   English dictionary

  • each other — /. ../ pronoun (not used as the subject of a sentence) used to show that each of two or more people does something to the other or others: Susan and Robert kissed each other passionately. | They were holding each other s hands. | We had a lot to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • ˌeach ˈother */*/*/ — pronoun 1) used for saying that each person or thing does something to the other or others The women looked at each other.[/ex] 2) used for saying that each person or thing is related in the same way to the other or others Suitcases were piled on …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • each other — or[one another] {pron.} Each one the other; one the other. * /That man and his wife love each other./ * /Bill and Mary gave one another Christmas presents last year./ * /All the children at the party were looking at one another trying to… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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