
/door"euhns, dyoor"-/, n.
1. incarceration or imprisonment (often used in the phrase durance vile).
2. Archaic. endurance.
[1400-50; late ME < MF. See DURE2, -ANCE]

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Latin  Druentia,  

      principal river draining the French side of the Alps toward the Mediterranean. From its origin in the Montgenèvre region, Hautes-Alpes département, to its confluence with the Rhône below Avignon, it is 189 mi (304 km) long. The Clairée and Guisane rivers, both of which are longer and more powerful streams than the Durance, join it above and in Briançon, through which it flows as a torrent. Receiving other tributaries, it passes through spectacular gorges and a stony valley to skirt Embrun. There it is tamed by the Serre-Ponçon Dam, 16 mi downstream, which has formed a lake covering 10.5 sq mi (27 sq km) in the valleys of the Durance and of the converging Ubaye River.

      After entering the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence département, it is joined by the wild Buech torrent above Sisteron. Dammed again below the town, it forms another artificial lake above the Château-Arnoux Dam, after which it is joined by the Bléone and the Asse rivers. After receiving the Vernon River, the Durance turns west along the departmental border of Bouches-du-Rhône and Vaucluse to join the Rhône River. Several other large dams were constructed on the lower Durance and its tributaries, and extensive hydroelectric-power and irrigation-water supply projects were established after World War II.

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