dunk shot

dunk shot
a shot in which a player near the basket jumps with the ball and attempts to thrust it through the basket with one hand or both hands held above the rim. Also called dunk, stuff shot.

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  • dunk shot — dunk′ shot n. spo a basketball shot whereby a player thrusts the ball downward through the basket • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • dunk shot — ☆ dunk shot n. Basketball a shot in which the shooter leaps up and throws the ball down through the basket …   English World dictionary

  • dunk shot — noun a basketball shot in which the basketball is propelled downward into the basket • Syn: ↑dunk, ↑stuff shot • Derivationally related forms: ↑dunk (for: ↑dunk) • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • dunk shot — noun A dunk, a shot where the ball is propelled directly downward through the hoop. See Also: slam dunk …   Wiktionary

  • dunk shot — noun Date: circa 1961 a shot in basketball made by jumping high into the air and throwing the ball down through the basket …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dunk shot — n. basketball shot which is forcefully pushed through the basketball hoop from above …   English contemporary dictionary

  • dunk´er — dunk «duhngk», verb, noun. Informal. –v.t. 1. to dip (something, especially food) into a liquid: »to dunk doughnuts in coffee, to dunk one s head in water. 2. to lower or drop (a basketball) into the basket from above; place (a dunk shot): »Manny …   Useful english dictionary

  • dunk — ☆ dunk [duŋk ] vt. [Ger tunken, to steep, dip, soak < OHG dunchôn: for IE base see TINGE] 1. to dip (bread, cake, etc.) into coffee or other liquid before eating it 2. to immerse in a liquid for a short time 3. Basketball to put (the ball)… …   English World dictionary

  • dunk — 1919, Amer.Eng., from Pennsylvania German dunke to dip, from M.H.G. dunken, from O.H.G. dunkon, thunkon to soak, from PIE root *teng to soak (see TINCTURE (Cf. tincture)). Basketball sense is first recorded 1937 as a verb, 1971 as a noun (earlier …   Etymology dictionary

  • dunk — dunkable, adj., n. dunker, n. /dungk/, v.t. 1. to dip (a doughnut, cake, etc.) into coffee, milk, or the like, before eating. 2. to submerge in a liquid: She dunked the curtains in the dye. 3. Basketball. to attempt to thrust (a ball) through the …   Universalium

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