
/dung"king/, n.
the action of plunging or being plunged into water or other liquid: Learning to canoe cost her several dunkings.
[1915-20; DUNK + -ING1]

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  • Dunking — For other uses, see Dunking (disambiguation). A common scold gets her comeuppance in the ducking stool. Dunking is a form of torture and punishment that was applied to scolds and supposed witches. Contents …   Wikipedia

  • Dunking — Der Dunking [1], im Englischen oft auch (slam) dunk genannt, bezeichnet beim Basketball einen Wurf, bei dem der Ball in den Korb getunkt wird. Für den Anglizismus Dunking gibt es keine deutsche Entsprechung. In den meisten Zeitschriften und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Dunking — Dun|king [ daŋkɪŋ ], der; s, s [engl. dunking, eigtl. = das ↑ Eintauchen (1), zu: to dunk = ↑ eintauchen (1), einstippen] (Basketball): Korbwurf, bei dem der Werfer so hoch springt, dass er den Ball kraftvoll direkt von oben in den Korb werfen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • dunking — noun a) The act or process of briefly submerging or immersing an object or person in a liquid, as in dunking a cookie in milk, or dunking a playmate in the swimming pool. b) Forcefully thrusting the ball through the basket from above …   Wiktionary

  • dunking — n British sex. A euphemism which was in middle class and society use in the early and mid 1970s. It now seems to have fallen out of use but might be revived (on the pattern of similarly predictable terms which are periodically rediscovered). The… …   Contemporary slang

  • dunking — noun ( s) : immersion shrinks after each dunking in hot water * * * /dung king/, n. the action of plunging or being plunged into water or other liquid: Learning to canoe cost her several dunkings. [1915 20; DUNK + ING1] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dunking (biscuit) — Dunking a biscuit To dunk is to dip a biscuit (or cookie), bread, buttered toast, cake, or doughnut into a beverage, especially tea, coffee, or cold milk. Dunking releases more flavour from confections by dissolving the sugars,[1] …   Wikipedia

  • dunking — Synonyms and related words: baptism, brewing, burial, dip, dipping, dousing, drench, drenching, duck, ducking, engulfment, imbruement, imbuement, immergence, immersion, impregnation, infiltration, infusion, injection, inundation, leaching,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Dunking — Dun|king 〈 [dʌ̣nkıŋ] n.; Gen.: od. s, Pl.: s; Sport; Basketball〉 »Legen« des Balles von oben herab in den Korb (während des Sprungs) [Etym.: → Dunk] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Dunking — Dun|king [ dʌŋkiŋ] das; s, s <zu engl. to dunk »eintauchen«> Korbwurf, bei dem die Hände der od. des Werfenden oberhalb des Korbrings sind (Basketball) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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