
/drungk/, adj.
1. being in a temporary state in which one's physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink; intoxicated: The wine made him drunk.
2. overcome or dominated by a strong feeling or emotion: drunk with power; drunk with joy.
3. pertaining to or caused by intoxication or intoxicated persons.
4. an intoxicated person.
5. a spree; drinking party.
6. pp. and nonstandard pt. of drink.
[1300-50; ME drunken, OE druncen, ptp. of drincan to DRINK]
Syn. 1. drunken, inebriated.
Ant. 1-3. sober.
Usage. Both DRUNK and DRUNKEN are used as modifiers before nouns naming persons: a drunk customer; a drunken merrymaker. Only DRUNK occurs after a linking verb: He was not drunk, just jovial. The actor was drunk with success. The modifier DRUNK in legal language describes a person whose blood contains more than the legally allowed percentage of alcohol: Drunk drivers go to jail. DRUNKEN, not DRUNK, is almost always the form used with nouns that do not name persons: drunken arrogance; a drunken free-for-all. In such uses it normally has the sense "pertaining to, caused by, or marked by intoxication." DRUNKEN is also idiomatic in such expressions as drunken bum. See also drink.

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