downy mildew

downy mildew
1. Also called false mildew. any fungus of the family Peronosporaceae, causing many plant diseases and producing a white, downy mass of conidiophores, usually on the under surface of the leaves of the host plant.
2. Plant Pathol. a disease of plants, characterized by mildewed, distorted, and yellowed foliage, caused by any of several fungi of the family Peronosporaceae, as of the genera Peronospora and Phytophthora.

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      disease of plants, especially in cool humid regions, caused by several fungi, including species of Basidiophora, Bremia, Peronospora, Phytophthora, Plasmopara, Pseudoperonospora, and Sclerospora. White, gray, bluish, or violet downy patches of mildew form mostly on the undersides of leaves in damp weather. Pale-green to yellow or brown areas usually develop on the upper leaf surface opposite the downy growth. Affected leaves often wilt, wither, and die early. Stems, flowers, and fruits are sometimes infected. Seedlings may wilt and collapse. Garden plants, bush fruits, vegetables, and certain trees, shrubs, field crops, and weeds are susceptible.

      Downy mildew can be avoided by rotating annual flowers and vegetables and by avoiding overwatering, overcrowding, and poorly drained soil. Other avoidance measures are growing resistant varieties, sowing disease-free seed, removing diseased parts and crop refuse, eliminating weeds, and maintaining balanced soil fertility. The application of copper, maneb, or zineb is effective against many downy mildews, but the amount of residue on vegetables must be considered.

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Universalium. 2010.

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