- dowable
1. subject to the provision of a dower: dowable land.2. entitled to dower.[1425-75; late ME < AF; see ENDOW, -ABLE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Dowable — Dow a*ble, a. [From {Dow}, v. t.] Capable of being endowed; entitled to dower. Blackstone. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dowable — /dawabal/ Subject to be charged with dower; as dowable lands. Entitled or entitling to dower. Thus, a dowable interest in lands is such as entitles the owner to have such lands charged with dower … Black's law dictionary
dowable — /dawabal/ Subject to be charged with dower; as dowable lands. Entitled or entitling to dower. Thus, a dowable interest in lands is such as entitles the owner to have such lands charged with dower … Black's law dictionary
dowable — adj. entitled to a dower, entitled to a widow s inheritance … English contemporary dictionary
dowable — dow·able … English syllables
dowable — /ˈdaʊəbəl/ (say dowuhbuhl) adjective Law entitled to dower …
dowable — The state or condition of a widow who is entitled to dower out of the real property of her deceased husband. The term is also applied to lands or other property of the husband which are subject to, or chargeable with, dower … Ballentine's law dictionary
dowable — ˈdau̇əbəl adjective Etymology: Anglo French, from Old French doer, douer to endow + able : capable of being endowed; especially : legally entitled to dower … Useful english dictionary
dos de dote peti non debet — /dows diy dowtiy petay non debat/ Dower ought not to be demanded of dower. A widow is not dowable of lands assigned to another woman in dower … Black's law dictionary
ne unques seise que dower — /niyarjkwiyz siyziy ka dawar/ L. Fr. (Never seised of a dowable estate.) In pleading, the general issue in the action of dower unde nil habet, by which the tenant denies that the demandant s husband was ever seised of an estate of which dower… … Black's law dictionary