- dove
—dovelike, dovish, adj. —dovishness, n./duv/, n.1. any bird of the family Columbidae, esp. the smaller species with pointed tails. Cf. pigeon (def. 1).2. a pure white member of this species, used as a symbol of innocence, gentleness, tenderness, and peace.3. (cap.) a symbol for the Holy Ghost.4. an innocent, gentle, or tender person.5. Also called peace dove. a person, esp. one in public office, who advocates peace or a conciliatory national attitude. Cf. hawk1 (def. 4).6. See dove color.[1150-1200; ME; OE dufe- (in dufedoppa dip-diver); c. D duif, G Taube, ON dufa, Goth dubo, orig. a diver]dove2/dohv/, v.a pt. of dive.
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Any of certain birds of the pigeon family (Columbidae).The names pigeon and dove are often used interchangeably. Though "dove" usually refers to the smaller, long-tailed members of the pigeon family, there are exceptions: the common street pigeon, generally typical for birds designated as pigeons, is frequently called the rock dove. The common names of these birds do not necessarily reflect their accurate biological relationships to one another.* * *
▪ birdany of certain birds of the pigeon family, Columbidae (order Columbiformes). The names pigeon and dove are often used interchangeably. Although “dove” usually refers to the smaller, long-tailed members of the pigeon family, there are exceptions: the domestic pigeon, a rather typical pigeon, is frequently called the rock dove and is the bird portrayed and called the “dove of peace.” The common names of these birds do not necessarily provide any information about their biological relationships. See domestic pigeon; pigeon.* * *
Universalium. 2010.