
/dub"lit/, n.
1. a close-fitting outer garment, with or without sleeves and sometimes having a short skirt, worn by men in the Renaissance.
2. an undergarment, quilted and reinforced with mail, worn beneath armor.
3. a pair of like things; couple.
4. one of a pair of like things; duplicate.
5. Ling. one of two or more words in a language that are derived from the same source, esp. when one is learned while the other is popular, as coy and quiet, both taken from the same Latin word, quiet directly, and coy by way of Old French.
6. Print. an unintentional repetition in printed matter or proof.
7. doublets, a throw of a pair of dice in which the same number of spots turns up on each die.
8. Jewelry. a counterfeit gem made of two pieces, either of smaller gemstones, inferior stones, or glass. Cf. imitation doublet, triplet (def. 6).
9. Optics. a compound lens made of two thin lenses shaped so as to reduce chromatic and spherical aberrations.
[1300-50; ME < MF. See DOUBLE, -ET]

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      chief upper garment worn by men from the 15th to the 17th century. It was a close-fitting, waisted, padded jacket worn over a shirt. Its ancestor, the gipon, was a tunic worn under armour, and at first it came down almost to the knees. The civilian doublet at first had skirts but gradually lost them. It had no collar until 1540, allowing the shirt to be seen at the neck; the shirt was also visible through slashes or pinking in the material.

      The sleeves, which at first were sometimes plain and close-fitting, became wide, padded, and slashed with complex designs. Detachable sleeves were worn after 1540. The doublet fastened down the front with buttons, hooks, or laces in the 16th century, though earlier it was hooked out of sight at the side.

      The height and narrowness of the waist varied from country to country, as did the materials, which included rich fabrics such as velvet, satin, and cloth of gold. An extreme fashion, the peascod, or goose-bellied doublet, came to England from Holland in the 1570s; it was padded to a point at the waist and swelled out over the girdle. It survives in the traditional costume of Punch.

      A gown or cloak might be worn over the doublet by the elderly or in cold weather. In the 16th century it could be worn partly open, requiring a stomacher or placard underneath. But in England in Elizabethan times a man was fully suited in doublet and hose. The two parts of his suiting were joined by points, ties threaded through opposing eyelets in each garment.

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  • doublet — [ dublɛ ] n. m. • 1301; « étoffe » XIIe; de double 1 ♦ Techn. Pierre fausse formée d un morceau de cristal sous lequel est placée une feuille de clinquant. 2 ♦ (1835) Ling. Chacun des deux mots issus d un même étymon, dont généralt l un est entré …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • doublet — DOUBLET. s. mas. Deux morceaux de cristal mis l un sur l autre, avec une feuille colorée entre deux, pour imiter les émeraudes, les rubis, etc. Doublet du Temple. Ce n est pas une émeraude, c est un doublet. [b]f♛/b] On appelle aussi Doublet, au… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • doublet — Doublet. s. m. Deux morceaux de cristal mis l un sur l autre avec une feüille colorée entre deux pour imiter les esmeraudes, les rubis &c. Doublet du Temple. ce n est pas une esmeraude, c est un doublet. On appelle aussi, Doublet, au jeu de… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • Doublet — Doub let, n. [In sense 3, OF. doublet; in sense 4, F. doublet, dim. of double double. See {Double}, a.] 1. Two of the same kind; a pair; a couple. [1913 Webster] 2. (Print.) A word or words unintentionally doubled or set up a second time. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Doublet — Le nom est fréquent dans diverses régions de France, en particulier la Normandie (14, 76), mais aussi l Île de France, la Picardie et la région Poitou Charentes. Le mot doublet a eu surtout au Moyen Âge le sens de vêtement fourré ou portant une… …   Noms de famille

  • doublet — early 14c. as a type of men s garment, from O.Fr. doublet (12c.), from O.Fr. dim. of duble (see DOUBLE (Cf. double)). From 1550s as “one of two things that are alike.” …   Etymology dictionary

  • doublet — doublet. См. дублет. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

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  • doublet — ► NOUN 1) a man s short close fitting padded jacket, worn from the 14th to the 17th century. 2) either of a pair of similar things. ORIGIN Old French, something folded , from double double …   English terms dictionary

  • doublet — [dub′lit] n. [ME < OFr, dim. of double, orig., something folded, a kind of material: see DOUBLE] 1. a man s closefitting jacket with or without sleeves, worn chiefly from the 14th to the 16th cent. 2. either of a pair of similar things 3. a… …   English World dictionary

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