
Crabbe (krăb), George. 1754-1832.
British poet noted for his simple, realistic poems of middle-class life, including The Village (1783).

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  • Crabbe, George — born Dec. 24, 1754, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Eng. died Feb. 3, 1832, Trowbridge, Wiltshire English poet. Reared in an impoverished seacoast village, Crabbe initially became a surgeon. In 1780 he left for London, where his poem The Village (1783)… …   Universalium

  • Crabbe, George — (24 dic. 1754, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Inglaterra–3 feb. 1832, Trowbridge, Wiltshire). Poeta inglés. Creció en un humilde pueblo costero y aprendió el oficio de cirujano. En 1780 se trasladó a Londres, donde su poema The Village [La aldea] (1783) le… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Crabbe, George — (1754 1832)    Born in the village of Aldeburgh, Suffolk, where his father worked as a customs official. He was chiefly self educated, largely through his father s Martin s Philosophical Magazine, which he bought for the mathematical part; the… …   British and Irish poets

  • CRABBE, GEORGE —    an English poet, born at Aldborough, in Suffolk; began life as apprentice to an apothecary with a view to the practice of medicine, but having poetic tastes, he gave up medicine for literature, and started for London with a capital of three… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Crabbe, George — (1754 1832)    Poet, b. at Aldborough, Suffolk, where his f. was collector of salt dues, he was apprenticed to a surgeon, but, having no liking for the work, went to London to try his fortune in literature. Unsuccessful at first, he as a last… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • George Crabbe — George Crabbe. Monument in St James Church, Trowbridge …   Wikipedia

  • George Crabbe — George Crabbe. George Crabbe (Aldeburgh, 24 de diciembre de 1754 Trowbridge, 3 de febrero de 1832) fue un poeta y naturalista inglés. Nació en Aldeburgh, Suffolk, hijo de un recaudador de impuestos, y desarrolló su amor hacia la poesía de …   Wikipedia Español

  • CRABBE (G.) — CRABBE GEORGE (1754 1832) Né à Aldeburgh, petit port sur la côte du Suffolk, le jeune George Crabbe écoutait son père, percepteur des taxes sur le sel, lire les poèmes de Milton et de Young à haute voix à la veillée et peut être prend il ainsi… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • George — George, David Lloyd George, Henry George, Pierre George, Stefan * * * (as used in expressions) Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4 conde de George William Russell Akerlof, George A. Alexander, Harold (Rupert Leofric George) Alexander, 1 conde… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • George Crabbe — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Crabbe. George Crabbe. George Crabbe est un poète et un entomologiste britannique, né le 24 décembre …   Wikipédia en Français

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