dodge ball

dodge ball
a circle game in which players throw an inflated ball at opponents within the circle who try to avoid being hit, and therefore eliminated, the winner being the one who remains unhit.

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  • dodge ball — noun : a game in which players formed around a circle try to hit opponents within the circle with a large ball and in which the player or team staying unhit longest is the winner * * * a circle game in which players throw an inflated ball at… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • dodge ball — UK / US noun [uncountable] a game played by children standing in a circle using a large rubber ball that one child throws at another, who tries to avoid being hit …   English dictionary

  • dodge·ball — /ˈdɑːʤˌbɑːl/ noun [noncount] : a game in which players try to hit their opponents with an inflated ball in order to get them removed from the game …   Useful english dictionary

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