- disembargo
/dis'em bahr"goh/, v.t., disembargoed, disembargoing.to remove an embargo from.[1875-80; DIS-1 + EMBARGO]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
disembargo — To release from the restrictions of an embargo … Ballentine's law dictionary
disembargo — /dis em bahr goh/, v.t., disembargoed, disembargoing. to remove an embargo from. [1875 80; DIS 1 + EMBARGO] … Useful english dictionary
embargo — The exclusion of an article from interstate or foreign commerce. 15 Am J2d Corn §§ 73 75. An edict or order of a government forbidding the entry or departure of ships at ports within the dominions of the government, sometimes imposed in carrying… … Ballentine's law dictionary