- discoverer
/di skuv"euhr euhr/, n.1. a person who discovers.2. (cap.) U.S. Aerospace. one of an early series of polar-orbiting reconnaissance satellites.[1250-1300; ME < OF descovreur. See DISCOVER, ER1]
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▪ artificial satellitesany of a series of unmanned experimental satellites launched by the United States Air Force. Although the Discoverer satellites had several apparent applications—such as testing orbital maneuvering and reentry techniques—they often are regarded as a forerunner of the military reconnaissance satellite. Discoverer 1 (launched Feb. 28, 1959) was equipped with a camera and an ejectable capsule capable of carrying exposed film back to Earth. Like later reconnaissance satellites, it was placed in a low polar orbit. By orbiting almost directly over the poles, Discoverer was in position to photograph the entire surface of the Earth every 24 hours. All other satellites in the series were launched into a similar fixed orbit. The capsule ejection system was repeatedly tested, but in-air payload recovery was achieved only once during the early years of the program: the capsule released by Discoverer 14 was retrieved on Aug. 18, 1960. Discoverer 38 (launched Feb. 27, 1962) was the last Discoverer model to be officially announced.* * *
Universalium. 2010.