direct broadcast satellite
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Direct broadcast satellite — (DBS) is a term used to refer to satellite television broadcasts intended for home reception, also referred to more broadly as direct to home signals. The expression direct to home or DTH was, initially, meant to distinguish the transmissions… … Wikipedia
Direct-broadcast satellite — For the Japanese communication satellites, see Broadcasting Satellite (Japanese). Direct broadcast satellite (DBS) is a term used to refer to satellite television broadcasts intended for home reception. A designation broader than DBS would be… … Wikipedia
direct broadcast satellite — Television. See DBS. * * * direct broadcast satellite noun (telecommunications) A high power geostationary communications satellite from which television programmes are beamed directly to the viewer, rather than being redistributed by cable or… … Useful english dictionary
Direct Broadcast Satellite — high powered digital television system in which signals are broadcast directly to customers homes via satellite and are received by small antennas, DBS (Telecommunications) … English contemporary dictionary
direct broadcast satellite — noun Date: 1975 a television broadcasting system in which satellite transmissions are received by a dish antenna at the viewing location (as a home) … New Collegiate Dictionary
direct broadcast satellite — A service that permits North American consumers to receive all digital video entertainment via satellite … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
List of direct broadcast satellite providers — This is a list of direct broadcast satellite providers, operating around the world.AfricaMiddle East, North Africa and the Levant territories* ADD * ART * Showtime Arabia * Orbit South Africa and southern Africa * Multichoice * HiTV Asia… … Wikipedia
Direct Broadcasting Satellite — Vergleich von BSS und FSS Direct Broadcasting Satellite (DBS), auch Direct Broadcast Satellite, ist ursprünglich die Bezeichnung für Satelliten die zum Direktempfang von Rundfunk (Fernsehen; Radio) mit „kleinen“ Satellitenantennen durch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) — RadioPP Powerful communications satellites that beam programming to receiving dishes at earth stations … Audio and video glossary
direct broadcast by satellite — /daɪˌrekt ˌbrɔ:dkɑ:st baɪ sætəlaɪt/ noun TV and radio signals broadcast over a wide area from an earth station via a satellite, received with a dish aerial. Abbr DBS … Marketing dictionary in english