dip needle — n. a freely rotating, magnetized needle used to indicate the direction of the earth s magnetism: it is horizontal at the magnetic equator (aclinic line) but vertical at the magnetic poles … English World dictionary
dip needle — noun 1. or dipping needle : a magnetic needle pivoted to rotate in the vertical plane of the magnetic meridian with its rotation axis through its center of gravity so that it points in the direction of the earth s magnetic intensity 2. : an… … Useful english dictionary
dip needle — inklinometras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Geologinio gręžinio nuokrypio nuo vertikalės kampo ir azimuto matuoklis. atitikmenys: angl. dip needle; inclinometer vok. Inklinationsnadel, f; Inklinometer, n;… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
dip needle circuit — magnetinio lauko jutiklis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Laivyno minų kovoje – mechanizmas, kuris reaguoja į magnetinio lauko vertikaliosios dedamosios dydžio pokyčius. atitikmenys: angl. dip needle circuit pranc. mise de feu à aiguille… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
dip needle — /ˈdɪp nidl/ (say dip needl) noun an instrument for measuring dip (def. 27) consisting of a magnetised needle suspended on a horizontal pivot and a counter arm to control the sensitivity and position of the needle. Also, dip circle, dipping needle …
dip needle — early kind of magnetometer; inclinometer … English contemporary dictionary
dip needle circuit — In naval mine warfare, a mechanism which responds to a change in the magnitude of the vertical component of the total magnetic field … Military dictionary
dip — [dip] vt. dipped or occas.Now Rare dipt, dipping [ME dippen < OE dyppan, to immerse < Gmc * dup , to be deep: see DIMPLE] 1. to put into or under liquid for a moment and then quickly take out; immerse 2. to dye in this way 3. to clean… … English World dictionary
Dip circle — Beside James Clark Ross is a dip circle designed by Robert Were Fox, and used by Ross to discover the magnetic south pole. Dip circles are used to measure the angle between the horizon and the Earth s magnetic field (the dip angle). They were… … Wikipedia
dip circle — noun a measuring instrument for measuring the angle of magnetic dip (as from an airplane) • Syn: ↑inclinometer • Topics: ↑airplane, ↑aeroplane, ↑plane • Hypernyms: ↑measuring instrument, ↑ … Useful english dictionary