- digital subtraction angiography
a computerized x-ray technique in which arteries are visualized following injection of dye into a vein. Abbr.: DSA
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Digital subtraction angiography — Intervention Example of iodine based contrast in cerebral angiography MeSH … Wikipedia
Intravenous digital subtraction angiography — (IV DSA) is a form of angiography which was first developed in the late 1970s. IV DSA uses a computer technique which compares an x ray image of a region of the body before and after radiopaque iodine based dye has been injected intravenously… … Wikipedia
digital subtraction angiography — an angiographic technique that produces images by subtracting background structures and enhancing the contrast of those areas that change in density between a preliminary “mask†image and subsequent images … Medical dictionary
digital subtraction angiography — a computerized x ray technique in which arteries are visualized following injection of dye into a vein. Abbr.: DSA … Useful english dictionary
digital subtraction aortography — digital subtraction angiography of the aorta. Digital subtraction aortography of a normal aortic arch, in a left anterior oblique (Lao) projection. A Ao, ascending aorta; D Ao, descending aorta; BC,brachiocephalic artery; LCC, left common carotid … Medical dictionary
digital subtraction radiography — use of digital subtraction to monitor the flow of contrast medium on radiographs over time; the most common application is digital subtraction angiography … Medical dictionary
digital subtraction — a sophisticated radiological technique in which digitization allows X ray examination, most commonly of blood vessels (see angiography), to be performed using smaller volumes of contrast material. A digitized image is taken before the contrast… … Medical dictionary
intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography — a type of arteriography that uses electronic circuitry to subtract the background of bone and soft tissue to provide a useful image of the arteries injected with contrast medium … Medical dictionary
intravenous digital subtraction angiography — a type of phlebography that uses electronic circuitry to subtract the background of bone and soft tissue to provide a useful image of the veins injected with contrast medium … Medical dictionary
digital subtraction — a radiological technique that enhances X ray images, most commonly of blood vessels (see angiography). A digitized image is taken before the contrast medium (a ‘mask’) is added, and this is subtracted by computer from the images taken after… … The new mediacal dictionary