
diatonically, adv.
/duy'euh ton"ik/, adj. Music.
1. noting those scales that contain five whole tones and two semitones, as the major, minor, and certain modal scales.
2. of or pertaining to the tones, intervals, or harmonies of such scales.
[1590-1600; < LL diatonicus < Gk diatonikós; see DIA-, TONIC]

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      in music, any stepwise arrangement of the sevennaturalpitches (scale degrees) forming an octave without altering the established pattern of a key or modein particular, the major (major scale) and natural minor scales (scale). Some scales, including pentatonic (pentatonic scale) and whole-tone (whole-tone scale) scales, are not diatonic because they do not include the seven degrees.

      In medieval and Renaissance music, eight church modes (church mode) dictated the organization of musical harmony. Diatonic harmony arose gradually, in the form of numerous exceptions to the rules of the church modes. In the 16th century the humanist Henricus Glareanus (Glareanus, Henricus) proposed two additional modes (mode), Aeolian and Ionian, based on A and C, respectively, and identical in every way to the modern natural minor and major scales; this was the first recognition of the validity of diatonic modes.

      The major scale can be expressed in a pattern of two adjacent four-note groups (sometimes referred to as tetrachords (tetrachord)), each comprising two whole-tone steps topped off by a half step, so that the half steps occur between degrees III-IV and VII-VIII (I). In the natural minor scale, the half steps occur at II-III and V-VI. Given the crucial importance of the so-called leading tone (the seventh degree of the major scale) in diatonic harmony, however, the natural minor scale regularly becomes subject to chromatic (chromaticism) alteration (in this case, the raising by a half step) of its seventh degree (the harmonic minor form) and often the sixth degree as well (the melodic minor form of the scale, used in an ascending melody). The harmonic minor is, strictly speaking, not really a scale; it is used normally not melodically but as a source set for constructing harmony. The upper tetrachord of the ascending melodic minor scale is identical with that of the major scale. It is the natural minor scale that defines the key signature; altered degrees are indicated by applied accidental signs (sharp, flat, or natural). For examples in musical notation of steps in these major and minor scales, see scale: common scale types (scale).

      Chords in diatonic harmony are generated from the major and minor scales by constructing triads (triad) on each of the diatonic scale degrees. Scale degrees and triads are identified by the same names, and triads may be represented by roman numerals. The seven names are (I) tonic, (II) supertonic, (III) mediant, (IV) subdominant, (V) dominant, (VI) submediant, and (VII) leading tone.

      The diatonic scale, as a model, is contrasted with the chromatic (chromaticism) scale of 12 pitches, corresponding to the white and black notes of the piano keyboard considered together. The different scales belonging to the 12 major and 12 minor keys include these different black-and-white notes, but always just 7 at a time. An accidental sign in front of a note normally signifies either that the tone is notated as the sixth or seventh degree of the minor scale, or that the tone is a chromatic tone (it does not belong to the particular diatonic scale being used in the harmony of the moment). Chromatic tones, for many different reasons, abound in nearly all music composed after 1600, even though most music of the period is transparently diatonic. From the middle of the 19th century, however, diatonic music began to make way for music that is more characteristically chromatic, and more harmonically complex, in the works of Richard Wagner (Wagner, Richard), Franz Liszt (Liszt, Franz), and many others.

      The church modes may be regarded as older diatonic variants of the major-minor system. Certainly diatonic scales occur well beyond the confines of Western art music, including in European and American folk monophony (unaccompanied music with a single melodic line), as well as in some types of African and Asian music. Notwithstanding the complexity of compositional techniques that were developed during the 20th century for music that is not tonal, the diatonic system remained firmly established all over the world at the start of the 21st century, in art music and popular music alike.

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