- diadelphous
1. (of stamens) united into two sets by their filaments.2. (of plants) having the stamens so united.[1800-10; DI-1 + -ADELPHOUS]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
diadelphous — [dī΄ə del′fəs] adj. [< DI 1 + Gr adelphos, brother < a , copulative + delphys, womb (see DOLPHIN); used in contrast to phratēr, BROTHER, commonly used for cousins and other relatives and for political colleagues; + OUS] 1. arranged in two… … English World dictionary
Diadelphous — Diadelphian Di a*del phi*an, Diadelphous Di a*del phous, a. [Cf. F. diadelphe.] (Bot.) Of or pertaining to the class Diadelphia; having the stamens united into two bodies by their filaments (said of a plant or flower); grouped into two bundles or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diadelphous — adjective Etymology: di + adelphous Date: 1807 united by filaments into two fascicles used of stamens … New Collegiate Dictionary
diadelphous — adjective Having its stamens fused together at least partly by the filaments so that they form two separate bundles, or a bundle and a lone separate stamen … Wiktionary
diadelphous — [ˌdʌɪə dɛlfəs] adjective Botany (of stamens) united by their filaments so as to form two groups. Origin C19: from di 1 + Gk adelphos brother + ous … English new terms dictionary
diadelphous — di·a·del·phous … English syllables
diadelphous — di•a•del•phous [[t]ˌdaɪ əˈdɛl fəs[/t]] adj. bot (of stamens) united into two sets by their filaments • Etymology: 1800–10 … From formal English to slang
diadelphous — /daɪəˈdɛlfəs/ (say duyuh delfuhs) adjective 1. (of stamens) united into two sets by their filaments. 2. (of plants) having the stamens so united. {di 1 + Greek adelphos brother + ous} …
diadelphous — adj. Bot. with the stamens united in two bundles (cf. MONADELPHOUS, POLYADELPHOUS). Etymology: DI (1) + Gk adelphos brother … Useful english dictionary
Fabales — ▪ plant order Introduction order of dicotyledonous flowering plants in the Rosid I group among the core eudicots. The order comprises 4 families ( Fabaceae, Polygalaceae, Quillajaceae, and Surianaceae), 754 genera, and more than 20,000 species.… … Universalium