- dexie
/dek"see/, n. Slang.Dexedrine, esp. in tablet form.[1955-60; DEX(EDRINE) + -IE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
dexie — ● dexie nom féminin Mouche qui se rend utile en parasitant les larves de hannetons … Encyclopédie Universelle
dexie — ☆ dexie n. pl. dexies [dek′sē ] n. Slang a pill containing dextroamphetamine: also spelled dexy n. dexies … English World dictionary
dexie — Mawdesley Glossary a young mischievous boy … English dialects glossary
dexie — n a pill or capsule of Dexedrine, a trade mark for an amphetamine (pep pill) fre quently prescribed and abused in the 1950s and 1960s. Yellow pills of Dexe drine were popular among English mods of the mid 1960s. Dexy s Midnight Run ners, a phrase … Contemporary slang
dexie — /dek see/, n. Slang. Dexedrine, esp. in tablet form. [1955 60; DEX(EDRINE) + IE] … Useful english dictionary
Cathédrale Saint-Jean de Besançon — Cette cathédrale n’est pas la seule cathédrale Saint Jean. Cathédrale Saint Jean de Besançon … Wikipédia en Français
The Ronettes — Datos generales Origen Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
drugs — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Medicinal substances Nouns 1. drugs; therapeutic drugs (see remedy); drug or substance abuse; drug addiction, [chemical] dependency, physical or psychological dependence, habit, reverse tolerance; glue… … English dictionary for students
drug — n 1. medicine, medication, medicament, remedy, physic, curé; curé all, panacea, wonder drug. 2. narcotic, Inf. opiate, depressant, sedative, tranquilizer, soporific, hypnotic; barbiturate, Sl. barbs. Inf. down or downer, quaalude, Sl. lude, Sl.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
stimulant — n 1.Physiology. excitant, quickener, Med. psychic energizer, anti depressant; Biochem. epinephrine, Biochem. adrenaline, adrenin, Chem., Pharm. caffeine; amphetamine, amphetamine sulfate, Sl. white cross, Sl. black beauty; Pharm., Trademark.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder