
/den droh"bee euhm/, n.
any of numerous epiphytic orchids of the genus Dendrobium, native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Eastern Hemisphere, having variously colored, often showy flowers.
[ < NL (1799), equiv. to Gk dendro- DENDRO- + NL -bium < Gk -bion, neut. of -bios -lived, having such a life, living on (adj. deriv. of bíos life; see BIO-)]

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plant genus
 genus of as many as 1,500 species of orchids that grow on other plants and are native to tropical and subtropical Asia, many Pacific islands, and Australia. Some species have small, pale flowers; others have large, showy ones. The flowers may be borne singly, in groups, or on arching spikes. The lateral sepals of all Dendrobium flowers are joined at the base, forming a small sac. The pseudobulbs (swollen stems) are bulblike or reedlike and range in height from 5 cm to about 4.5 m (2 inches to 15 feet).

      Popular members of the genus include the pigeon orchid (Dendrobium crumenatum), a white-flowered species; the bull orchid (D. taurinum), a Philippine species with twisted, hornlike petals; and the cucumber orchid (D. cucumerinum), an Australian species with cucumber-like leaves.

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